Tax & Budget Reform [TBR]

The primary goal of taxes is to raise the living standards of the Peoples of the United States. Who are the Peoples of the United States? [judicial reform]

12/5: Build Your Own Tax Extensions [tbr]

On December 3 the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) published Reducing the Revenue Loss of TCJA Extension. The Extension of all the individual and estate tax cuts and subsidies is expected to create a 10-year budget deficit of $3.9 trillion under reconciliation at a time now when the official national debt is approaching $36 trillion. Most economists would think an expaniding economy should be producing budget surpluses but Trump and his supporters love fiscally irresponsible tax cuts and subsidies. On the CRFB page is a table of "Options for Reducing the Deficit Impact of TCJA Extensions" which includes estimates from various government sources and non-profit 'charitable' 501c3 think tanks.

You can use the link cited above in the heading to design your own solution to the projected 10-year budget deficit. It should be noted that Republicans have repeatedly used the 10-year budget reconciliation rules to propose tax cuts and subsidies that have increased the national debt in the post-10 years. That is why we need some credible organization to evaluate the effect of all budget reconcilation tax laws on the national debt and unfunded liabilities. Our further comments will appear at [tbr].

This interactive calculator is a good idea, but needs work. The underlying problem is that it's very difficult to estimate future benefits and costs because of the compleixity of the tax law. That is why a simple tax code without loopholes and preferences would make life easier and fairer. For example, the AMT can be eliminated by eliminating tax preferences.

12/1: TBR Content Uploaded from Homepage

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ElectoralCollege.Org supports a federal tax incentive to encourage everyone to register to vote without any requirement to sign a pledge that favors any political party. [er tbr]

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10/24: Responses to Questions

9/27: Forthcoming Updates (Dates will appear here and above when updated)

9/10: EC Opinion: Common Sense Questions

8/17: Other News of The Week [2024]

8/2: How to use AI chatbots to understand the misinformation and lies promoted by all political campaigns in 2024 [2024]

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