3/25: Questions to be Considered
3/24: The Democrats must Unite to Save America and Social SecurityThe economic and political strategy should focus on a populist economic agenda that is centered on saving Social Security. It is probably the only issue which should appeal to most working Americans, including those who currently support Trump. On last Saturday's Ralph Nader Radio Hour, Michael J Graetz discussed his book "The Power to Destroy - How the Antitax Movement Hijacked America." He claimed Biden became part of the movement by refusing to raise taxes on anyone making less than $400,000. The only difference between Biden and the Republicans is 2%. Michael Graetz said: "The Democrats now don't want to tax 98% of the people and the Republicans don't want to tax 100% of the people and the question is: how do you get anywhere with those kinds of firm "no new taxes" pledges? The Democrats need to promote a new standard. The new standard would be linked to the maximum earned income that is subjected to the FICA tax to fund Social Security. The maximum is now $176,100. The current income tax code provides a lot of subsidies that disproportionately benefit taxpayers who have incomes above $176,100. The new standard will connect and limit tax benefits to the amount of earned income that is subjected to the FICA tax. The benefits will all be in the form of tax credits and not deductions. 3/23: Bipartisan Policy Center: The Social Security Benefit Formula [ssr]Queston for AI:How does the Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) proposed Social Security's benefit formula increase the burden on those who pay FICA taxes close to the maximum Social Security Wage base without taxing non-earned income and capital? Edited Response from AI:The Bipartisan Policy Center's (BPC) proposed changes to Social Security would increase the burden on high-income earners who pay FICA taxes close to the maximum Social Security wage base in several ways:
These changes would increase the tax burden on high-income earners without directly taxing non-earned income or capital gains. Their proposal focuses on expanding the existing payroll tax structure rather than introducing new taxes on investment income or wealth. You can not trust a bipartisan commission to support Social Security that does not seriously consider using revenue from taxes on non-earned income and estates. 3/22: How might a Worker's future Social Security benefits be affected if there is no Tax on Tips and Overtime? [ssr]This question was prompted after Kevin Hassett said on today's Fox Larry Kudlow show that workers should not have to pay taxes on tips and overtime. Hassett is currently Trump's director of the National Economic Council and a key architect to extend the 2017 TCJA. Here is an edited AI response to the question:
A more detailed analysis of our current "progressive" Social System will show how it favors low-paid workers and those who are highly compensated with incentive stock options and carried interest. Some Silicon Valley billionaire executives have salaries of only $1 a year? 3/22: Comments on Michael J. Graetz's book, "The Power to Destroy" How the Antitax Movement Hijacked America" [tbr]The book's subtitle is "How the Antitax Movement Hijacked America." It is featured on the Ralph Nader Radio Hour on March 22. I bought and read this book last year. My greatest interest was in Chapter 12. It starts out with a quote from George W. Bush's VP Dick Cheney: "Reagan proved deficits don't matter." In 2001 President George W. Bush (GWB) inherited a budget surplus from Clinton and a CBO projection of a $5.6 trillion surplus over the next 10 years. Bush rushed through Congress, with the support of Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, barbell tax cuts to return the projected surplus to the people. At the signing ceremony on June 7, 2001 he said: "We recognize, loud and clear, the surplus is not the government's money. The surplus is the people's money. And we ought to trust them with their own money." Barbell tax cuts provide tax benefits to both poor families in the form of child tax credits and to the rich in the form of lower taxes on their unearned income and an eventual repeal of the estate tax. Consequently, the tax burden falls primarily on taxpayers in the middle who have earned income that falls between 50% and 100% of the Social Security wage base. As I recall, the Clinton budget surplus did not account for the increase in the unfunded liabilities for Social Security. The GWB presidency was focused on eliminating the estate tax. The most crucial step was to call the estate tax the "death tax." The Seattle Times promoted this. The pro-repeal forces supported polls that asked simply if you favored repealing the estate or death tax. A large majority of those surveyed favored repeal at the same time they favored taxing the rich. The public was not aware of how repealing the estate tax could threaten the future Social Security benefits. That lack of awareness exists today. Trump promises to protect Social Security at the same time he and the Republicans plan to eliminate the estate tax. What questions should the polling organizations ask? Stay tuned. I became personally aware of the positive potential connection between the estate tax and Social Security when my mother died on July 3, 2001. She was not rich. Her estate was obligated to pay hundreds of thousands of dollars to the federal government and to the State of New Jersey. It did not help our family personally that under the new tax law the current estate tax exemption would be raised from $675,000 to $1,000,000 on January 1, 2002. My mother was born on December 30, 1899 and lived in three centuries during her 101 1/2 years. She never contributed to Social Security and received benefits for possibly 40 years based on my father's FICA contributions. I thought that we had a moral obligation to thank Social Security for having supported our mother. It seems appropriate to have the estate tax be dedicated to supporting Social Security. A basic principle of Social Security should be that each generation should be self-sustaining. Young workers should not have to support older workers. We should not have to increase immigration because of the declining birth rates of the native population. Our family is related to another women who contributed very little into Social Security and lived to be over 100.That person is Ida May Fuller, our seventh cousin of Ludlow, Vermont. She was the first person to receive a Social Security benefit check of $22.54 on January 31, 1940. Her total contribution was $24.75. She received a total of $22,888.92 during her 35 years of retirement. Later, I will suggest how to tax and minimize the potential double tax on appreciated securities. Revenue from the estate tax needs to be dedicated to support the old-age pensions of Social Security retirees. This book did not cover the impact of the Roth IRA and other tax-free savings accounts. One of the most corrupt pieces of legislation created during the GWB presidency was the backdoor Roth IRA. The original Roth IRA began in 1998 as a result of the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997. The original Roth IRA allowed a $2,000 contribution and income limits, before a phaseout, at $95,000 for single filers and $150,000 for married filing jointly. Who was responsible for the backdoor Roth IRA? The person who would likely know is Bill Thomas of California, Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee at the time. Was there a connection to Stanford law professor Joseph Bankman and Peter Thiel? Because of the backdoor IRA, Thiel now has a Roth IRA worth more than $5 billion? What is the total value of all Roth IRA accounts? The only way to close what could be the most costly loophole is now the estate tax. 3/22: Now on Recommended Sites (3/25)
3/21: Michael Lewis on his new book Who Is Government? - The Untold Story of Public ServiceHe is scheduled to appear tonight at 8 pm on C-SPAN. This was originally broadcasted on C-SPAN on March 13. He mentions that many government workers manage risks to protect and keep us safe. Don't trust and vote for politicians who express negative stereotypes and criticisms at government workers and the so-called "deep state." He emphasizes that the federal workforce consists of dedicated individuals who are acutely aware of their responsibility to manage government resources efficiently, often under significant constraints. 3/20: Today is the International Day of HappinessThe theme for the International Day of Happiness in 2025 is "Caring and Sharing." This website encourages you to view Michael Lewis talk about his new book "Who Is Government?" and to understand what Thomas Jefferson meant when he wrote in the Declaration of Independence "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" instead of John Locke's "life, liberty, and property." On March 26, Michael Lewis, the author of "Who Is Government?" is most likely to be interviewed at the National Constitution Center by its president, Jeffrey Rosen, Rosen's book "The Pursuit of Happiness - How Classical Writers on Virtue Inspired the Lives of the Founders and Defined America" was published in February of 2024. Here is an AI-aided summary of Rosen's book: "By grounding happiness in classical virtues, Rosen argues that the Founders saw this pursuit as fundamental to both individual flourishing and the collective well-being of the nation. This understanding of happiness encompasses not only personal development but also the moral and civic responsibilities necessary for a thriving democratic society, as envisioned in the Declaration of Independence." Where does the United States rank in the World Happiness Report 2025?According to the World Happiness Report 2025 the United States ranks 24th globally. This marks the lowest position ever for the U.S. in the report's 13-year history. If only Americans under the age of 30 were considered, the U.S. wouldn't even rank in the top 60 happiest countries. Where do you expect the United States to be ranked next year? Which Country is Ranked the Highest in the World Happiness Report 2025?Finland is ranked as the happiest country in the world for the eighth consecutive year, My wife is a legal immigrant from Finland. She became a U.S. citizen in 2002. How do the tax systems in the Nordic countries contribute to their high happiness ranking?High levels of trust in government institutions and low corruption perceptions contribute to their willingness to pay taxes. I lived in Sweden for over a year in the mid-1960s while working for Svenska Esso AB in Stockholm. A colleague asked me - Why do you have charities in the U.S.? Five years later, I visited the Skattehuset (Tax House) in Stockholm to claim a tax refund. The process was remarkably efficient, and I received my refund within just 30 minutes. 3/20: Michael Lewis on his new book Who Is Government?He will appear twice on cable within the next six days. He is scheduled to appear at 8 pm March 21, 2025 on C-SPAN. His second appearance will be 12 pm March 26. You can register to attend this presentation at the National Constitution Center. 3/19: Why Do We Need to Tax Capital and Wealth? [ah er ir jr ssr tbr]How do capital and wealth benefit from:
3/18: I Own Another Historical Document that is Clearly Authentic [ah]My father gave me this document after he had donated it to Bucknell University. The document is an 1802 indenture agreement between Aaron Levy and our ancestor Lyons Mussina for a parcel of property on Aaron Square in Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania. This document is written on sheepskin and may be very significant in Jewish American history. Both signers were Jewish in the only town in America that was founded by and named after a Jew. Aaronsburg was founded by Aaron Levy, a land speculator who was associated with Robert Morris in financing the Continental Army. Aaronsburg had very few Jews. Lyons may have been the first Jew. Mussina's wife was not Jewish. The town, founded on religious and social harmony, was celebrated on October 23, 1949 by United Nations Mediator Ralph J. Bunche and Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter. Lyons' nephew Simon Mussina was a land speculator who co-founded Brownsville, Texas and was a close friend of Samuel Houston. 3/17: On this day the following message was received from a "charitable" non-profit organization [ah, er, tbr]"Your tax-deductible gift today will help:
When the radical Left is angry at you, you know that you're right over the target. But we cannot rest on our laurels. We must press our advantage and keep up the fight to save America."
On February 17, this same organization failed to know the actual birthday of George Washington [ah]"Today we celebrate the birthday of President George Washington, victorious general of the American Revolution and our first American president. Washington exemplified the character and leadership that we expect from those in power and we honor his legacy today and in so much of our American tradition."
George Washington's birthday was not on February 17. He was born on February 11 in 1732. The day of the month was adjusted to February 22 when the British switched to the Gregorian calendar in 1752.
What was most significant to me was how my research into this document led me to discover how our ancestor Major Henry Axtell in the Militia and great-grand uncle Silas Condict helped George Washington during his stay in Morristown during the winter of 1789-1780. Henry's wife was Silas' sister Phoebe. Condict warned Washington that the frozen rivers and waterways could allow British forces to launch a surprise cavalry raid on his headquarters, potentially capturing the American commander. This episode highlights Condict's role in potentially safeguarding Washington and the American cause during a critical period of the Revolutionary War. According to the genealogical site FamilySearch.Org, George Washington is our 7th cousin. In fact, according to FamilySearch.Org our family is related to every U.S. president by blood or marriage except for James Buchanan. It is highly likely that you will be able to make the same statement if your ancestors arrived in New England during the great migration between 1620 and 1640. This organization is not a patriotic organization and certainly should not qualify as a charity. It is clearly focused on right-wing political advocacy. Its three founders are descendants of Germans immigrants who arrived in American after 1850 with little appreciation for our nation's founding principles as expressed by our Founding Fathers. They were not patriots.. 3/16: Now on Recommended Sites
3/13: Chairman Smith: President Trump and House Republicans Are Committed to Preserving Social Security Benefits [ssr tbr]What a lie. They are both committed to cutting Social Security benefits by first repealing the estate tax. The Democratic senators can stop this by insisting that the Budget Reconciliation Rules be changed to require some bipartisan support and the ability to filibuster to avoid a government shutdown tomorrow. During a discussion of the CONCURRENT RESOLUTION ON THE BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2025 on February 25 it was reported in the Congressional Record that Jason Smith made this statement to support repealing the estate tax: "2 million family-owned farms need certainty that they won't be forced to sell their farm to pay an increased death tax. They need to know right now if they should be contacting an estate planner for the massive tax hike that is coming." In 2023, "89 farm estates" (0.2% of farm operator estates) were required to file and pay federal estate tax, out of approximately 39,988 estates created from principal operator deaths]. 3/12: Who do Democratic House members Sanford Bishop (GA-2), Don Davis (NC-1), and Dan Goldman (NY-10) Represent?These three Democrats want to repeal the estate tax to help wealthy farmers, small businesses, and donors. These donors represent less than a fraction of 1% who would be subjected to an estate tax if the current estate tax exemption under the 2017 TCJA of $14 million were lowered to $5.5 million. At the same time they are risking the financial security of more than 90% of their constituents who depend on Social Security.
3/11: Who do Republicans John Thune, Jason Smith, and Randy Feenstra Represent? [ssr tbr]These three key Republicans are supported by farmers, ranchers, and small businesses who want the estate tax repealed. These owners represent less than a fraction of 1% who would be subjected to an estate tax if the current estate tax exemption under the 2017 TCJA of $14 million were lowered to $5.5 million. At the same time more than 90% of their constituents depend on Social Security. Formatted AI Response:Representatives and Their ConstituenciesJohn Thune, Jason Smith, and Randy Feenstra are Republican politicians who represent the following constituencies:
Estate Tax AdvocacyThese Republicans have been vocal advocates for repealing the estate tax, also known as the "death tax," which they argue disproportionately affects family-owned businesses and farms. However, the impact of the estate tax on their constituents is limited:
Social Security DependenceIn contrast, a significant portion of their constituents rely on Social Security:
Estate Tax ExemptionThe current estate tax exemption is $13.61 million per individual as of 2024, which is set to revert to $5.5 million per person at the end of 2025 unless Congress acts. Despite representing a small fraction of their constituents, these Republicans have introduced legislation like the Death Tax Repeal Act (S.587) to permanently repeal the estate tax. 3/9: Now on Recommended Sites
3/1: AI Question of the Day (updated 3/14)
3/1: Now on Recommended Sites (updated 3/5)
2/22: AI is being Used by ElectoralCollege.Org to Develop Tax ReformElectoralCollege.Org is focused on reducing the national debt and unfunded liabilities. The priority will be to save Social Security by some commonsense ideas that are inspired by our Founding Fathers. These Founding Fathers include immigrants Thomas Paine, James Wilson and Pierce Butler. Here is Thomas Paine's View on Taxing Inheritances to Support an Old-Age Pension (SSA.Gov)"One of the first people to propose a scheme for retirement security that is recognizable as a forerunner of modern social insurance was Revolutionary War figure Thomas Paine. His last great pamphlet, published in the winter of 1795, was a controversial call for the establishment of a public system of economic security for the new nation. Entitled, Agrarian Justice, it called for the creation of a system whereby those inheriting property would pay a 10% inheritance tax to create a special fund out of which a one-time stipend of 15 pounds sterling would be paid to each citizen upon attaining age 21, to give them a start in life, and annual benefits of 10 pounds sterling to be paid to every person age 50 and older, to guard against poverty in old-age." ElectoralCollege.Org Founder's Interest in Social SecurityIn 1975 the founder of this site became co-author of the AICPA's Pension and Profit-Sharing course after updating the course material for the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). While at the AICPA he worked closely with Sidney Kess, a renowned tax expert, on his tax seminars as well as technical editor on the AICPA's first Individual Retirement Account (IRA) cassette. It should be noted that our IRA was based on the Canadian Retirement Savings Account (RSA) that was created in 1957. The founder's next plan was to develop an AICPA course with the title of "What the CPA Should Know About Social Security." He did not develop this course because he left the AICPA to become head of national tax training at Coopers & Lybrand (C&L). That was over 45 years ago. (To be continued) 2/9: Using AI to Understand the Origins of Trump's Gaza Plan [or]Trump's proposal to develop Gaza and resettle all of the inhabitants outside their homeland should not surprise anyone. Here are some questions to ask your favorite AI chat service: 2/1: Update to the Proposal to Save Social Security First [ssr]The most rational and logical way to save Social Security is to tax capital. It is also the way that our Founding Fathers would support if they were alive today. The most effective way to tax capital is to tax it when there is a transfer of ownership. Transfers of property occur when property is transferred to charities, at death, with gifts, in mergers, to trusts, etc. The only transfers that might be allowed would be between spouses. The basis would carry over. A limited exemption at death would be allowed for the family business portion of an estate. The only assets that can be held in tax-exempt savings accounts must be liquid assets that have a readily determined market value. Business assets would only be allowed to be depreciated once and could not be used to offset ordinary income. On the sale of an asset that can be depreciated, the basis will carry over to the acquirer. There will be no step-up in basis. Tax-free Section 1031 exchanges would be repealed. The tax-free capital gains associated with the corruptible Opportunity Zone loophole that Silicon Valley billionaires inserted into the 2017 Tax Cut & Jobs Act would be repealed. 1/20: Reconciliation Menu by House Budget Committee [tbr]Politico has been able to obtain a 50-page menu of items to be considered during the reconciliation process to extend and modify the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This Republican menu probably was constructed with the help of two section 501c3 tax-exempt "charitable" nonprofit organizations - The Heritage Foundation and the Tax Foundation. You should note the following view of this website that has been verified by AI:The 10-year budget reconciliation process is a way to pass tax cuts that are fiscally irresponsible with regards to the national debt and the unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare. On page 14 of this document the GOP estimates the cost of repealing the estate tax. This repeal, if permanent, would make it very difficult for a future Congress from using the estate tax to help fund the poor and middle-class entitlements of Social Security and Medicare. So don't believe Donald Trump's promise to protect Social Security when he wants to repeal or reduce the estate tax.
Eliminate the Death Tax
My estimate of the cost of eliminating the death tax (or more correctly the estate tax that currently includes a death bonus of a $12.9 million exemption and a stepped-up basis in assets) is many trillions of dollars. In 2001, 2.2% of estates were subjected to the estate tax. Recently, the percentage has declined to less than 0.1%. The base case for estimating the costs of repealing the estate tax should be based on the inflation-adjusted exemption basis that existed in 2001 of $675,000 and not $12.9 million. 1/19: Scott Bessent, the Nominee for Treasury Secretary, Does Not Appear to be a Prudent Choice
12/30: Two Newsworthy DemocracyNow.org Videos12/29: Trump, Musk and Ramaswamy favor Foreign Tech Workers
News Item:
This comes at a time when tech workers are being laid off. Since 2022, more than 48,500 tech jobs have been eliminated in the Bay Area. Boston Scientific plans to cut 138 jobs at its Sunnyvale office by the end of December 2024. More job cuts are expected by Cisco and Intel. This comes at a time when the future effect of AI on tech jobs is uncertain. Our research indicates that many current immigrant tech leaders are avoiding FICA and income taxes. Immigrant Peter Thiel, the founder of PayPal and Palantir and an early investor in Meta, utilized a backdoor Roth IRA strategy that was signed into law in 2005 but did not take effect until 2010. This strategy allowed him to shift assets from his IRA into a Roth IRA that was valued at least $5 billion several years ago. The backdoor Roth IRA was a method introduced during George W. Bush's presidency that has been criticized for undermining Social Security funding. Additionally, distributions from an inherited Roth IRA by the spouse are tax-free, further enhancing its appeal for wealth accumulation and transfer. Would someone in the media please ask Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy how much they pay in federal taxes? It was recently reported in the New York Times that immigrant Jensen Huang, the CEO of Nvidia, is avoiding approximately $8 billion in taxes, likely through a campaign donor-financed legal loophole. Our tax reform proposals will address the Roth IRA loophole by limiting the amount that can be accumulated in all tax-free savings accounts and taxing all changes in ownership of property at a flat tax rate. 12/28: Other Recommended Sites on YouTube.com with Links12/21: Note the Change in the Top Center Panel
It was: "Thomas Paine, the Commonsense Founding Father who Proposed Taxing Wealth and Inheritances to Help the Poor"
12/13: Coming Soon12/8: Books to ReadA new feature of this website will be Books to Read. American History now includes 8 books and Judicial Reform 3 books. Note that the book about John Marshall appears in both lists. The complete list will include over 200 books.12/5: Build Your Own Tax Extensions [tbr]On December 3 the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) published Reducing the Revenue Loss of TCJA Extension. The Extension of all the individual and estate tax cuts and subsidies is expected to create a 10-year budget deficit of $3.9 trillion under reconciliation at a time now when the official national debt is approaching $36 trillion. Most economists would think an expanding economy should be producing budget surpluses but Trump and his supporters love fiscally irresponsible tax cuts and subsidies. On the CRFB page is a table of "Options for Reducing the Deficit Impact of TCJA Extensions" which includes estimates from various government sources and non-profit 'charitable' 501c3 think tanks. You can use the link cited above in the heading to design your own solution to the projected 10-year budget deficit. It should be noted that Republicans have repeatedly used the 10-year budget reconciliation rules to propose tax cuts and subsidies that have increased the national debt in the post-10 years. That is why we need some credible organization to evaluate the effect of all budget reconciliation tax laws on the national debt and unfunded liabilities. Our further comments will appear at [tbr]. 11/20: Who was Pierce Butler? [ah]11/16: Who were the Two Immigrant Founding Fathers Who Conspired to Create the Electoral College? [er-ec]The four key delegates to the Constitution Convention in 1787 who negotiated the Three-Fifths Compromise and the Electoral College were James Wilson (PA), Pierce Butler (SC), Gouverneur Morris (PA) and James Madison (VA). See the Election Tab for more details and eventually a proposal to reform the Electoral College. 11/7: ElectoralCollege.org is disappointed with the outcome of this election. [2024]11/7: Elon Musk's Fraudulent $1 million a day Seven Battleground State Lottery [2024]11/3: Why a Vote for Kamala Harris is a Vote For Civility? [2024]11/2: The Harris Campaign Did Not Have an Ad during the Army v. Airforce Game [2024]10/30: Recent News Articles of Interest [2024]10/29: What's at Stake on State Ballots [2024]10/24; Responses to Questions [2024]
10/4: Research: The GOP Wants to Defund Social Security [ssr]ElectoralCollege.Org believes that for many years the GOP has wanted to defund Social Security. Many Americans who are now 40 or older remember George W. Bush's failed attempt to privatize Social Security. He also began to phase out the estate tax. In 2010 there was no estate tax. He also promoted tax-free savings accounts that would be exempt from the estate tax.Most people who are familiar with the history of Social Security are aware of Thomas Paine's 1795 pamphlet entitled "Agrarian Justice." He proposed to use a 10% tax on inheritances to provide an annual benefit to be paid to every person age 50 and older, to guard against poverty in old-age. You can verify this by visiting the Social Security Administration History Page on Thomas Paine. Thomas Paine is known for being the author of "Common Sense" that was featured within the last 12 months as the first book to read on C-Span's Books That Shaped America. Early in his writing career Thomas Paine used the pseudonym Common Sense. Mr. Common Sense certainly had a common-sense proposal to tax inheritances to fund an old age pension for the poor. One must ask: "Have any members of the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Social Security considered a common sense proposal to use a tax on estates to support Social Security?" They certainly should be presumed to be aware of what Thomas Paine proposed in Agrarian Justice. On January 18, 2024, Representative Randy Feenstra (IA-4). a Republican member of the Subcommittee on Social Security proposed H.R. 7035, the bill to Repeal the Estate Tax. The names of the GOP House Members who are co-sponsors of this bill are listed on two pages of Defund Social Security. I hope this list will be downloaded and used to defeat these GOP members who want to Defund Social Security. 9/27: Forthcoming Updates (Dates will appear here and above when updated)9/10: News [2024]
9/10: EC Opinion: Common Sense Questions
2/18/24: Proposal to Save Social Security [ssr]This content is now contained in the Social Security section. |